Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Crochet Error (Finished Project)

I screwed up big time on my Mermaid Afghan project 
Going to have to rip it all out and start again

Found my mistake a little over 20 Rows down.

I'm glad that I didn't have to start over,
but bummed cuz I had to rip it out

Finally got it back to where I had to rip out...

Fixed it and finished it in time...

Now onto the next one

The Shark
(Hoping to get it done before the due date she gave me)

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Project--Another Mermaid Afghan

Mermaid Afghan

I had another request for a Mermaid Afghan
I'm using a different pattern this time

Link to Pattern:

Pic from Pattern...

Color I Chose (RHSS in Monet)...

October 9, 2015 Process

7:10pm (Just Starting)

8:30pm (Done with Increasing)

10:30pm (Set it down to go to bed)

October 11, 2015 Process

A little Longer


Thursday, October 8, 2015