Friday, December 18, 2015

Pattern--Red Hat Society Doll

Red Hat Society Doll

“When I am an old woman I shall wear purple

With a red hat that doesn't go, and doesn't suit me…”

Hook: 3.75mm
*Worked in continuous rounds*

MC: Magic Circle
SC: Single Crochet
Inc: Single Crochet Increase
Dec: Single Crochet Decrease
BLO: Back Loop Only
(#): Number of stitches in round

1: With Red: 6sc in ring 
2: SC INC around (12) 
3: Inc, SC Repeat * around (18) 
4: Inc, 2 SC Repeat * around (24) 
5: Inc, 3 SC Repeat * around (30) 
6-8: SC around, change to White 
9: BLO: Sc around 
10-12: SC around 
13: Dec, 3 SC repeat around (24) 
14: Dec, 2 SC repeat around (18) 
15: Dec, SC repeat around (12) 
Start Stuffing 
16-17: SC around 
18: Inc, SC Repeat * around (18) 
19: Inc, 2 SC Repeat * around (24) 
20: Inc, 3 SC Repeat * around, Change to Purple (30) 
21-30: SC around 
31: Dec, 3 SC repeat around (24) 
32: BLO: Dec, 2 SC repeat around (18) 
Finish Stuffing 
33: Dec, SC Repeat * around (12) 
34: Dec Repeat * around (6)
Brim of Hat 
With Red, Attach to Loop of Round 9 
1: Inc in each stitch around 
2: Inc, Repeat * around
-Tie Purple Ribbon around Hat and tie Bow in the Back
-Hot Glue Strand of Red Beads for Pearls

You may sell the item/s made with pattern…Please DO NOT sell the pattern.

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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Crochet Error (Finished Project)

I screwed up big time on my Mermaid Afghan project 
Going to have to rip it all out and start again

Found my mistake a little over 20 Rows down.

I'm glad that I didn't have to start over,
but bummed cuz I had to rip it out

Finally got it back to where I had to rip out...

Fixed it and finished it in time...

Now onto the next one

The Shark
(Hoping to get it done before the due date she gave me)

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Project--Another Mermaid Afghan

Mermaid Afghan

I had another request for a Mermaid Afghan
I'm using a different pattern this time

Link to Pattern:

Pic from Pattern...

Color I Chose (RHSS in Monet)...

October 9, 2015 Process

7:10pm (Just Starting)

8:30pm (Done with Increasing)

10:30pm (Set it down to go to bed)

October 11, 2015 Process

A little Longer


Thursday, October 8, 2015

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Project--Mermaid Afghan

Mermaid Afghan

Link to pattern:

Child's I did awhile back...

Adult's I'm still working on
(Just needs the trim and it will be done 
and I'll post a pic of the finished project)


My latest projects...

Newborn Cocoons

Owl for a boy

Links to patterns...
Cocoon (my own design):


Bear for a girl

Link to pattern:

I just added ears and a bow.

Project--Big Star Blanket

Big Star Blanket
(This was my July Project)

Link to Pattern:

My color scheme idea...

First square...

Middle of star...

I ran out of white and had to go get more...

Attaching squares...


Finished Project...

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Pattern--Mom Bag

Mom Bag
This is a great bag for Moms on the go
(Also can be used as a small diaper bag) 

Hook: I/5.5mm

CH 34
1: DC in 4th CH, 29DC, 5DC in last; work up opposite side, 29DC, 4DC in last, Join (68DC)
2: CH2 (counts as a DC), DCInc, (DC, DCInc) 2 times, 31DC, DCInc, DC, DCInc, Join in CH2 (74DC)
3: CH2, DC in same, 30DC, DCInc, (2DC, DCInc) 2 times, 30DC, (DCInc, 2DC), Join in CH2 (80DC)
4-6: CH2, DC around, Join in CH2
7: CH2, DCDec, 29DC, DCDec, 6DC, DCDec, 31DC, DCDec, 5DC, Join in CH2 (76DC)
8-9: CH2, DC around, Join in CH2
10: CH2, DCDec, 35DC, (DCDec, 3DC) 2 times, DCDec, 17DC, DCDec, 3DC, DCDec, 2DC, Join in CH2 (70DC)
11: CH2, DC around, Join in CH2
12: *9DC, DCDec* around, DC in last 4, Join (64DC)
13: *8DC, DCDec* around, DC in last 3, Join (57DC)
Do not fasten off

1: 2SLST; CH2, 24DC, CH2, Turn (25DC)
2: CH2, DC across, Turn
3: CH2, DCInc, 21DC, DCInc, DC, Turn (27DC)
4: CH2, DC across, Turn
5: CH2, DCInc, 23DC, DCInc, DC, Turn (29DC)
6-8: CH2, DC across, Turn Fasten Off

Attach yarn to stitch before flap
1: CH2, 3DC, Turn (4DC)
2-30: CH2, DC across, Turn SLST to opposite side

Abbreviation Key
CH: Chain DC: Double Crochet DCInc: Double Crochet Increase DCDec: Double Crochet Decrease **: Repeat SLST: Slip Stitch

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Pattern--Babydoll Moses Basket

Babydoll Moses Basket
Great for a little girl and her babydoll

6.5mm Hook
2 Strands 4ply yarn held together

1: 3DC in 3rd Ch, 30DC, 4DC in last; turn and work down opposite side, 30DC, Join (68DC)
2: Ch3, DC in same, 2DC in next 3sts, 30DC, 2DC in next 4, 30DC, Join (76DC)
3: Ch3, DC in same, DC in next, *2DC in next, DC in next* 3 times (total of 12DC), 30DC, Rep* 4 times, 30DC, Join (84DC)
4: Ch3, DC in same, DC in next 2, *2DC in next, DC in next 2* 3 times (total of 16DC), 30DC, Rep* 4 times, 30DC, Join (92DC)
5: Ch3, DC in same, DC in next 3, *2DC in next, DC in next 3* 3times (total of 20DC), 30DC, Rep* 4 times, 30DC, Join (100DC)
6: BLO: Ch1, HDC in same, HDC around, Join
7-10: Ch1, HDC in same, HDC around, Join
11-12: Ch1, SC in same, SC around, Join
13: Ch1, SC in same, 28SC, Ch15, Sk15, 35SC, Ch15, Sk15, 6SC, Join
14: Ch1, SC in same, SC in each SC and Ch around, Join
15: Ch1, SC in same, SC around

CH: Chain SC: Single Crochet HDC: Half Double Crochet DC: Double Crochet BLO: Back Loop Only SK: Skip Rep: Repeat

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Pattern--Bobber Ornaments

Bobber Ornaments
Great for the fisherman/woman in your life

Small Bobber Ornament
Note: Worked in continuous rounds

With White, MC
R1: 6 SC in ring
R2: Inc around (12)
R3: *SC, Inc* around (18)
R4: Sc around (18) Change to Red
R5-6: Sc around (18)
R7: *SC, Dec* around (12)
R8: Dec around (6)
R9: Sc around (6)
R10. Ch 10 and SLST to prev round

Big Bobber Ornament
Note: Worked in continuous rounds

With White, MC
R1: 6sc in ring
R2: Inc around (12)
R3: *SC, Inc* around (18)
R4: SC, Inc, 2SC, Inc, 3SC, Inc, 2SC,Inc, 3SC, Inc, 2SC (23)
R5: Inc, 4SC, Inc, 3SC, Inc, 4SC, Inc, 3SC, Inc , 4SC (28)
R6: 3SC, Inc, 6SC, Inc, 6SC, Inc, 6SC, Inc, 3SC (32)
R7: 5SC, Inc, 9SC, Inc, 9SC, Inc, 6SC (35)
R8: 3SC, Inc, 10SC, Inc, 11SC, Inc, 8SC (38)
R9: 12SC, Inc, 25SC (39)
R10: Inc, 38SC (40) Change to Red
R11: SC around (40)
R12: 38SC, Dec (39)
R13: 25SC, Dec, 12SC (38)
R14: 8SC, Dec, 11SC, Dec, 10SC, Dec, 3SC (35)
R15: 6SC, Dec, 9SC, Dec, 9SC, Dec, 5SC (32)
R16: 3SC, Dec, 6SC, Dec, 6SC, Dec, 6SC, Dec, 3SC (28)
R17: 4SC, Dec, 3SC, Dec, 4SC, Dec, 3SC, Dec, 4SC, Dec (23)
R18: 2SC, Dec, 3SC, Dec, 2SC, Dec, 3SC, Dec, 2SC, Dec, SC (18)
R19: *Dec, SC* around (12)
R20: Dec 3 times (6)
R21-22: SC around (6)
R23: CH 20, SLST to last round

Abbreviation Key
MC: Magic Circle SC: Single Crochet INC: Single Crochet Increase Dec: Decrease SLST: Slip Stitch Prev: Previous Ch: Chain *: Repeating (#): Number stitches in round

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